Sunday, January 23, 2011

memories of a monster ginger cock past

My good friend Jerry and his new baby daughter dropped in a couple weekend's ago for a visit.  It had been almost five years since last we've seen once another.  I had missed his mother's funeral, his wedding and the birth of his second daughter.  A shame since there was a time this kid was like a brother to me.  He was looking good, really good:  a massive upper body with extremely well built arms and a broad chest from training as an underground cage fighter.  Jerry moved out to Joliet a couple years ago where he settled down, got married and had a baby girl who is five months now.  His first daughter lives in another state with his estranged first baby mama.

I couldn't believe it's been five years.  I grew up with this guy!  We didn't really see each other too much after we all moved out of the apartment we shared in Berwyn along with another buddy from our adolescence.  We caught up, reminisced about our wilder times and laughed about old memories.   Jerry about what happened with The Mistake but I'm not up for rehashing the past anymore.  I just want to look forward and move on.  That's the reason behind my secret blog.  Some other time, we agreed.  Hopefully with alcoholic beverages involved.

I almost forgot I met The Mistake shortly after Jerry came to live with me in Chicago Ridge.  I was a few years out of college, after living with Deejay before getting together with Andre.  I had grown up in the old neighborhood along side Jerry and his older brother and sister, who I also ran with.  It was a big group of kids, sometimes we'd all hang out together, at times the girls split up and did what ever the hell they did while the guys did our usual "male bonding" activities.  Usually this meant we'd all be sitting around in someone's empty house jerking off to whatever porn we managed to get our hands on and seeing how far we could dare one another to go.  The most being putting each other's hands on another's erect penis and jerking them off for a few seconds and simulating sex on inanimate objects.  Most notably Jerry dropping trough and baring ass to fuck the couch (between the cushions) to completion in front of everyone.  This was also the same guy who when we put some money together and went to purchase a fake pussy couldn't wait till we got back to the neighborhood and was already trying it out in the car on the ride home.

Jerry was always an exhibitionist.  Mainly due to his large cock that hung like an elephants trunk and was about the size of a can of soda around.  Something we learned early on when we tried to not include the younger Jerry in any of the older boy's reindeer games.  Most of us were intrigued, amazed and a bit jealous at his ability to suck his own dick.  A feat matched only by one other guy in our group, a puerto rican kid who grew up to be another random fuck buddy.  Story for another time.  During my high school years when our male bonding grew to include tag teaming girls and allowing each other to watch during sex (most of the time without the girl's knowledge) Jerry and I began to experiment alone with jerking each other off to climax and oral.  Oddly enough, this was something Jerry never had a problem sharing with people.  In fact, none of the guys from the old neighborhood had any hang ups about talking about our "sessions" when asked.

Years later, after I had been out of the neighborhood for some time but still keeping in touch with my old crew, Jerry's mother contacted me.  Jerry was having some problems we never got into at home and they were serious enough she asked if he could stay with me until they worked things out and she compensate me with groceries and part of my rent.  I agreed.  Jerry and I were always close.  I told her I'd keep an eye on him.

Soon after Jerry was arrested for trespassing into Bachelors Grove Cemetery after hours.  I received a late night call from The Mistake asking for help bailing him out.  He was a friend of a younger chick Jerry was dating.  I officially came out to my friend the next day when The Mistake and I began making out in the back seat on an impromptu trip to the beach.

The Mistake dared me to call Q101 and request Britney Spears, Hit me Baby one More Time.  I did.  They told me I have the wrong radio station and hung up on me.  Minutes later we laughed as I got on air.

It was the beginning of the Mistake and I.  They lied and told me he was 18.  I found out months later we was only 15.  I was 23.  It was too late.  We already were the best of friends.

A few more moves back and forth between  North and South side throughout the years and Jerry and I ended up sharing another apartment.  This one in Burbank and also with another good friend of ours.  Sometime during that time our bonding went further and we were having sex.  We had already experimented with threesomes that included the Mistake, my friend Gilbert and there was the time I was fucking this random guy I was dating during a party and Jerry walked in and sat on the bed and proceeded to have a conversation with me.  So I invited him to join.  We began making out.  I would be walking past his room with an apartment full of people and his bedroom door would fly open and pull me in to mess around.  For a time he was even openly bisexual.

It's so strange to remember all that and to see him now.  Family man.  Still hot.  I wonder...

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