Saturday, January 29, 2011

so a pollack, a beaner and an asshole walk into a bar...

Being sick sucks. Stupid swollen gland. That's right. Just one. It kinda looks like there's a little second head trying to bore it's why outta the side of my neck. I keeps it sexy.

So should I let a little sickness get in the way of my social calender? I'll get back to you on that one. I'm supposed to meet some friends for drinks and dancing at Hydrate tonight for a burlesque-inspired show a drag queen friend of Deejay MC's. I invited Polish to join us since he's been going through some issues lately with his boyfriend Saul. Seems Saul's overwhelmed with going back to school and family issues and feels like Polish isn't being supportive enough. Though how literally supporting someone, since Saul has been unemployed for some time now, isn't supportive enough for someone I don't understand. Polish was looking forward to meeting me for a drink or two tonight and getting some things off his chest but I guess Saul wasn't appreciative of these plans because he broke up with him. I have an interesting past with both Polish and Saul, but it's not like we didn't extend the invite for Saul to join us. He couldn't make it due to a late class. On Saturday?

Polish has been an acquaintance of mine for some years now. He grew up with The Mistake and they even shared a number of their "gay firsts" with one another. It's an interesting parallel between The Mistake and I and Polish and The Retard. But I'll get into that some other time. Though never quite friends, never quite enemies we shared an uneasy alliance knowing our friendship was a slap in the face to both The Mistake and The Retard. I hooked up with Polish after a night out dancing. After a fight with The Mistake I responded to a random invite from Polish who was having issues of his own with The Retard.

As for Saul, he came over one night with a bottle of Jager in one hand and a six pack of Red Bulls in the other. This was while Polish was away dealing with his immigration issues in the mother land and he told me they were broken up. We watched anime dvd's and went through both my comic book and action figure collection. We were in drunken nerd heaven. It was kinda nice to share all that with someone again. I hadn't had that since The Mistake moved out. We knocked out on the couch and sometime in the morning his penis found its way in my mouth. We were both kinda freaked out cause neither had planned it but we decided to not tell Polish about the encounter. Seems they weren't as broken up as Saul led me to believe.

Though I suspect Polish pieced it together already, we've been getting closer lately. Mostly due to me threatening whoever was harassing him with insulting phone calls from an anonymous number. No one but a selected few, including me, knew Polish had recently experienced a freak death in his extended family so the timing was extremely inappropriate. We both shared the suspicion that although maybe not directly, The Mistake was guilty by association through his new band of Mary fags. So I confronted The Mistake and told him to pass the message along to leave Polish alone or deal with me to any interested parties. Of course he claimed to be uninvolved.

"Since when are you his secretary?" The Mistake predictably asks me. I took great joy in calmly telling him I'm no one's secretary. I'm just looking out for a friend.  I could tell my choosing Polish over him affected him.  Hurt him.  

Polish and I bonded over the experience.  I told him not to let all that drama get to him.  We all go through that Mean Girl, faggy bullshit, just some of us never grow out.  I think that's why I haven't done the "group of gays" thing for so long.  I stayed away from having a group of gay friend's because when I was a part of it and the Boy's Town community the cattiness and the constantly having to out bitch one another was exhausting and it made me someone I didn't want to be.  I think I'm learning now with my recent branching out and meeting a different kind of gay man than I am accustomed to through Dante, gay men more like me who don't switch around, lisping loudly wearing tiaras through life.  To each their own and all, but I always felt I'm a man who wants to be with a man.  If I wanted pussy, I'd go back to fucking women.

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