Wonder Woman, a variety of both Bat and Super related titles along with any Green Latern or Teen Titans that happens to catch my eye or whatever maxi or mini-series the DCU has me by the balls with this month. That's not even mentioning my non DC X-related, WitchBlade, Buffy Season 8 and anything else that piques my curiosity. I drop some loot on my titles every month. I was impressed to see a company worrying more about customer loyalty than profit margins when I read the following press release attached to the above graphic on DC's website:
Beginning January 2011, DC Comics will implement a line-wide pricing adjustment, lowering the prices of all standard length 32-page ongoing comic book titles currently priced at $3.99 to $2.99.
"This announcement reaffirms DC Comics' commitment to both our core fans and to comic book store retailers," said Jim Lee, DC Comics Co-Publisher. "For the long term health of the industry, we are willing to take a financial risk so that readers who love our medium do not abandon the art form."
"As Co-Publishers, we listened to our fans and to our partners in the retail community who told us that a $3.99 price point for 32 pages was too expensive. Fans were becoming increasingly reluctant to sample new titles and long term fans were beginning to abandon titles and characters that they'd collected for years," said Dan DiDio, DC Comics Co-Publisher. "We needed a progressive pricing strategy that supports our existing business model and, more importantly, allows this creative industry to thrive for years to come. With the exceptions of oversized comic books, like annuals and specials, we are committed to a $2.99 price point."
Looks like next time my wallet makes me decide between a DC comic and one from a competitor's company I may have to choose the DC comic on principal alone.
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